Crisis in Korea: America, China, and the Risk of War
Tim Beal

( The asf video files work in Internet Explorer, but not in Mozilla Firefox )




2014 2013

  • 20 March

  • 12 February


    Interviews on the death of Kim Jong Il
    Monday 19 December

    Tuesday 20 December Wednesday 28 December Thursday 29 December
  • Stockholm 26 November
    The Swedish-Korean Friendship Association arranged a public meeting about the book, which was introduced by Christer Lundgren

  • Wellington 24 November
    The book was officially launched in New Zealand by Dr Rod Alley. He gave a brief commentary on the book

  • National University of Singapore 31 October
    From one Cold War to Another – the role of Korea
    Presentation at a seminar at National University of Singapore, 31 October 2011
    Hosted by Department of History, chaired by Dr Eric Mobrand, Department of Political Science
    (Enlarged and revised version of the NZ Asian Studies conference presentation)

  • London 25 October
    Crisis in Korea received its UK launch at Arthur Probsthain’s Oriental Bookshop , Great Russell St. The event has hosted by proprietor Lesley Sheringham