
Pyongyang Report is compiled by Tim Beal, Don Borrie assisted by Sallie Yea and Stephen Epstein as a contribution towards greater knowledge and understanding of North Korea. Information is culled from a variety of sources and does not present any specific ideological perspective. It is planned to issue it every two months by hardcopy, email and on the web.

Further information may be obtained from:
Dr Tim Beal
19 Devon Street, Kelburn Wellington, NZ
Tel: +64 4 463 5080 (day)
+64 4 934 5133 (evening)
Fax: +64 4 934 5134

Tim.Beal@vuw.ac.nz or
Rev Don Borrie
7 Thornley St
Titahi Bay
Tel/fax: +64 4 236 6422 Email: dborrie@ihug.co.nz

Tim Beal maintains a webpage on DPRK-North Korea