Kim Jong Il Inspects Construction of Power Station Dam
Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il commanded a bird's-eye view of the Wonsan Youth Power Station the construction of which has entered its finishing stage.
The Prospects for International Cooperation in Knowledge Sharing in the Service of Economic Development in the DPRK
a workshop on "The Prospects for International Cooperation in Knowledge Sharing in the Service of Economic Development in the DPRK", which was held in Seoul, ROK, 1 - 2 November 2007. The workshop was organized by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and the US-based Stanley Foundation.
Ten Years of Knowledge
Partnership with North Korea
Prof. NAM Sung Wook (Korea Univ.)
November 1 2007
Knowledge sharing with the DPRK: future possibilities and challenges
Bradley O. Babson
Knowledge sharing with the DPRK: future possibilities and challenges
Bradley O. Babson
October 5, 2007
(Introductory paper)
This paper is intended to set the stage for discussions among existing and
potential partners in knowledge sharing activities with the DPRK. It explores the
question why knowledge sharing with the DPRK is so critical at this time, evaluates the
context and strategic considerations for engagement by the international community with
the DPRK, assesses operational challenges in the DPRK context, and draws some general
conclusions and principles to guide discussions of how to engage in knowledge sharing
with the DPRK. Hopefully, this paper will motivate and animate expanded efforts and
partnerships to realize the benefits that potentially could come from deeper engagement
by the international community with the DPRK through the knowledge sharing approach.
Korean Perspective of the Role of Knowledge-Sharing in ROK-DPRK Bilateral
Relations after the Summit
Young-Ho Park, KINU
The 2007 North-South summit was a meeting to discuss more practical and specific
issues on the basis of progress so far made in North-South relations. The summit meeting
produced the eight-point Declaration on the Advancement of North-South Relations,
Peace, and Prosperity." It includes the core issue of unification (Article 1), mutual trust
(Article 2), easing tensions (Article 3), a peace regime (Article 4) and mutual prosperity
(Article 5). It also deals with practical issues such as social and culture exchanges
(Article 6), humanitarian projects (Article 7) and cooperation on the international stage
(Article 8).
2007 South-North Korean Summit & Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation[IKEC]
Knowledge sharing with North Korea
Hyoungsoo Zang
Hanyang University
Seoul, Korea