This site is maintained by Tim Beal as a repository of links to articles, mainly on geopolitics, with a focus on Asia, particularly Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
It was previously entitled DPRK-North Korea and was hosted by Victoria University of Wellington until my retirement.

21 November 2024
This site was originally set up, over two decades ago, as a repository of links to articles, mainly on geopolitics, with a focus on Asia, particularly Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
It was previously entitled DPRK-North Korea and was hosted by Victoria University of Wellington until my retirement.
Because of age and other commitments the repository has not been updated since 2021, though many of the links will still be live. The site, when I get round to it, is now mainly used as a link to my writings.
Tim Beal

Some recent books and chapters

  • front cover
    Introduction to 2023 edition
    With Gregory Elich

    In Hidden History of the Korean War by I.F. Stone

    Monthly Review Press, New York, 2023

    front cover
    • Sanctions as an instrument of coercion: characteristics, limitations and consequences
    • The Western Frontier: US sanctions against North Korea and China
    In Sanctions as War edited by Immanuel Ness, and Stuart Davis

    Brill, Leiden, 2021
    Haymarket Books, New York, 2023
    front cover
    Korea and Imperialism
    In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism edited by Immanuel Ness, and Zak Cope

    Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019
    front cover
    China, New Zealand, and the Complexities of Globalization
    Asymmetry, Complementarity, and Competition
    With KANG Yuanfei
    Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2016
    front cover
    Satellites, Missiles and the Geopolitics of East Asia
    In North Korea: Political, Economic and Social Issues, edited by Marvin Harrison

    Nova Publishers, New York, 2016
    front cover
    Crisis in Korea: America, China, and the Risk of War

    Pluto Press, London, 2011
    More details
    front cover
    North Korea: The Struggle against American Power
    Pluto Press, London, 2005

    Marty & the Sage ~ a serious entertainment
    A very engaging, witty, and sharp approach to political analysis by Tim Beal. Not to be missed!
    Gregory Elich

    Assorted Verse in Various Weights

    Some recent articles and interviews

    For earlier material go to Tim Beal Archive

    Archive repository
    [Not updated since July 2021]

    ROK & Inter-Korean
    Europe, Australia, Canada
    General foreign relations & UN
    Food Supply and Aid
    Economy, Trade and Business
    Softwar, Cyberwar, Education, S&T
    Sports and Tourism
    Tim Beal Archive
    Domestic DPRK
    South Asia
    Satellite and Nuclear issues
    World issues

    NZ-DPRK Society
    The official website of the NZ-DPRK Society, working to increase awareness, understanding and contact  between the people  of New Zealand and the DPRK

  • About this site
  • Counterfeiting
    Incomplete dossier on counterfeiting and BDA issues, only updated infrequently and incompletely

    Pyongyang Report
    A periodic newsletter first published in 1999 but now regretfully discontinued because of other commitments

    Maps of Korea

    The Internet Archive
    If a link is no longer active you may be able to access using the WayBack Machine, surfing pages stored in the Internet Archive's web archive.

    RETURN to Tim Beal’s homepage